How To Keep Termites Out Of Your House

28 January 2015
 Categories: , Blog

As far as household pests go, termites are generally unobtrusive, and you usually won't often see them walking around in your home. The downside is that they are much more damaging than many other pests because your house is their food source. Exterminating them isn't incredibly difficult, but prevention is always the best method. Termites don't just show up out of nowhere. There are plenty of things that can attract them to your property and your house. Read More 

Ant Control Solutions

26 January 2015
 Categories: , Blog

No one enjoys having ants crawling around on their belongings. If you have an ant infestation inside your home, you need to be aggressive in trying to make them vacate. There are a few ways to remove ants from the home, as well as a few ways to keep them from returning. Here are some ideas you can use to remove ants and keep them out of your house. Ant Removal Read More